Publikacje KLiEL
Jeśli chcesz znaleźć publikacje wybranego pracownika KLiEL zajrzyj do bazy biblioteki UWM: Bibliografia publikacji pracowników Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie
Belardi I., Borkowski J., Lazzeri L., Banul R., Pacini G., Poerling A., Ferretti F. (2024) Spatiotemporal plasticity of prey selection in the wolf. J Zool, 324: 118-127.
Brabec M. i in. incl. Chećko E. (2024) Recovery and resilience of European temperate forests after large and severe disturbances, Global Change Biology 30(2): 1-18, e17159.
Polowy K, Rutkowski D. (2024) Learning Curves of Harvester Operators in a Simulator Environment. Forests. 15(8):1277.
Piętka S., Misiukiewicz W., da Costa J.M. (2024) Influence of Hydrological and Climatic Changes on Tree Growth in Narew National Park, NE Poland, over the Past 50 Years, Forests 15, 9, 1507, s. 1-16, DOI:10.3390/f15091507
Ferens M., Załuski D., Borkowski J. (2023) Looking for a magic island in the sea of agriculture: factors affecting forest patch attractiveness for wild boar in human-dominated landscape. Landsc Ecol 38, 1591–1604.
Janeczko E., Czyżyk K., Korcz N., Woźnicka M., Bielinis E. (2023) The Psychological Effects and Benefits of Using Green Spaces in the City: A Field Experiment with Young Polish Adults. Forests 14, 497.
Kosewska A., Kędzior R., Nietupski M., Borkowski J. (2023) Epigeic Carabids (Coleoptera, Carabidae) as Bioindicators in Different Variants of Scots Pine Regeneration: Implication for Forest Landscape Management. Sustainability 15, 13322.
Misiukiewicz W., Piętka S., Olszewski A. (2023) The impact of the different period of occurrence of the European beaver population on its feeding behavior and impact on the environment, Polish Journal of Natural Sciences, vol. 38, nr 2, 2023, s. 107-124, DOI:10.31648/pjns.9376
Bielinis E., Janeczko E., Korcz N., Janeczko K., Bielinis L. (2022) Effect of an illegal open dump in an urban forest on landscape appreciation. PLoS ONE 17(11): e0277795.
Rutkowski D., Węgiel A., Stempski W., Gronowicz R. (2022) The effect of public tenders on technological change creation at forestry enterprises in Poland. Sylwan 166 (6):378-389. DOI: 10.26202/sylwan.2022020
Cacciatori C, Bacaro G., Chećko E., Zaremba J., Szwagrzyk J. (2022) Windstorm effects on herbaceous vegetation in temperate forest ecosystems: Changes in plant functional diversity and species trait values along a disturbance severity gradient, Forest Ecology and Management 505: 19799.
Krupińska M., Borkowski J., Goll A., Nowicka J., Baranowicz K., Bourret V., Strandin T., Mäki S., Kant R., Sironen T., Grzybek M. (2022) Wild Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) Do Not Play a Role as Vectors or Reservoirs of SARS-CoV-2 in North-Eastern Poland. Viruses 14, 2290.
Szczepkowski A., Kowalczuk W., Sikora K., Damszel M., Sierota Z. (2022) Fungi accompanying wood decay by Heterobasidion parviporum in Norway spruce stands. Forests 13, 229, 1-22;
Szczepkowski A., Kowalczuk W., Sikora K., Damszel, M., Sierota Z. (2022) Fungi Occurring in Norway Spruce Wood Decayed by Heterobasidion parviporum in Puszcza Borecka Stands (Northeastern Poland). Forests 2022, 13, 229.
Sierota Z.., Kwaśna H., Grodzki W., Tarwacki G. (2022) Abiotic factors affecting forest tree health, W: Forest Microbiology. Forest Tree Health / Asiegbu Fred O., Kovalchuk Andriy (red.), Forest Microbiology, nr 2, Academic Press, ISBN 978-0-323-85042-1, s. 77-98.
Sierota Z., Kwaśna H., Grodzki W. Tarwacki G. (2022) Abiotic Factors Affecting Forest Tree Health. In: Asiegbu F. and Kovalchuk A. (eds). Forest Microbiology Vol. 2: Forest Tree Health, Chapter 5, 77-97. Elsevier Inc. London;
Sierota Z., Miścicki S. (2022) Is It Possible to Compromise Forest Conservation with Forest Use? Earth 2022, 3, 1059-1075.
Słupska A., Zawadzka A. (2022) Ocena wielofunkcyjnej gospodarki leśnej w Polsce na tle wybranych krajów Unii Europejskiej, Agronomy Science, vol. 77, nr 4: 33-48, DOI:10.24326/as.2022.4.3
Przybylski B., Janeczko E., Studnicki M., Bielinis E., Bielinis L. (2022) Young adults’ perspective of global environmental risks: A study on Polish university students. PLoS ONE 17(9): e0273393.
Zawadzka, A., Słupska, A. (2022) Under-Canopy Regeneration of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) as Adaptive Potential in Building a Diverse Stand Structure. Sustainability, 14(2), 1044. 14021044.
Piętka S., Misiukiewicz W. (2022) Impact of European Beaver (Castor fiber L.) on Vegetation Diversity in Protected Area River Valleys. Conservation 2, 613-626.
Piętka S., Misiukiewicz W. (2022) Wpływ metod ochrony na zróżnicowanie strukturalne lasów Biebrzańskiego Parku Narodowego, Parki Narodowe i Rezerwaty Przyrody, vol. 41, nr 4: s. 3-24,
Janeczko E., Bielinis E., Tiarasari U., Woźnicka M., Kędziora W., Przygodzki S., Janeczko K. (2021) How Dead Wood in the Forest Decreases Relaxation? The Effects of Viewing of Dead Wood in the Forest Environment on Psychological Responses of Young Adults. Forests 12, 871.
Janeczko E., Łukowski A., Bielinis E., Woźnicka M., Janeczko K., Korcz N. (2021) “Not just a hobby, but a lifestyle”: Characteristics, preferences and self-perception of individuals with different levels of involvement in birdwatching. PLoS ONE 16(7): e0255359.
Korcz N., Janeczko, E., Bielinis E., Urban D., Koba J., Szabat, P., Małecki M. (2021) Influence of Informal Education in the Forest Stand Redevelopment Area on the Psychological Restoration of Working Adults. Forests 12, 993.
Stempski W., Rutkowski D. (2021) Szerokości szlaków operacyjnych i odstępy między nimi w praktyce maszynowego pozyskiwania drewna w trzebieżach drzewostanów sosnowych. Acta Sci. Pol., Silv. Colendar. Ratio Ind. Lignar. 20(3): 127–138.
Przemieniecki SW., Damszel M., Ciesielski S., Kubiak-Siwińska K., Mastalerz J., Sierota Z., Gorczyca A. (2021) Bacterial microbiome in Armillaria ostoyae rhizomorphs inhabiting the root zone during progressively dying Scots pine. Applied Soil Ecology 164, 103929 August 2021.
Przemieniecki SW. Skwiercz A., Damszel M., Telesiński A., Zapałowska A., Sierota Z., Gorczyca A. (2021) Ecology, biological and enzymatic activity of the rhizosphere planted with Larix decidua seedlings after addition of vermicompost. Applied Soil Ecology 168;
Boczoń A., Hilszczańska D., Wrzosek M., Szczepkowski A., Sierota Z. (2021) Drought in the forest breaking plant-fungi interactions. European Journal of Forest Research.
Krawczyk R., Kowalczuk S., Ksepko M., Sierota Z. (2021) Las na gruncie porolnym - oczekiwania i rzeczywistość. Leśne Prace Badawcze/Forest Research Papers 82(2): 75-86. DOI: 10.48538/lpb-2021-0009
Damszel M., Szmidla H., Sierota Z. (2021) Disease prevention instead of fungicides – An emerging reality in forest protection. Sylwan 165 (11): 796−809.
Jaroszewicz, B., Cholewińska, O., Chećko, E., Wrzosek, M. (2021) Predictors of diversity of deadwood-dwelling macrofungi in a European natural forest, Forest Ecology and Management 490: 119-123.
Borkowski J., Banul F., Jurkiewuicz J., Hołdyński Cz., Święczkowska J., Nasiadko M., Załuski D. (2021). There is only one winner: The negative impact of red deer density on roe deer numbers and distribution in the Słowiński National Park and its vicinity. Ecology and Evolution 11, 6889-6899.
Damszel M., Szmidla H., Sikora K., Młodzińska A., Piętka S., Sierota Z. (2021). Mycobiota of Fine Roots of Pseudotsuga menziesii Introduced to the Native Forest Environment. Forests 2021, Volume 12, Issue 12, 1766.
Bielinis E., Janeczko E., Takayama N., Zawadzka A., Słupska A., Piętka S., i in. (2021). The effects of viewing a winter forest landscape with the ground and trees covered in snow on the psychological relaxation of young Finnish adults: A pilot study. PLoS ONE 16(1): e0244799.
Stempski, W., Rutkowski D. (2021). Szerokości szlaków operacyjnych i odstępy między nimi w praktyce maszynowego pozyskiwania drewna w trzebieżach drzewostanów sosnowych [The width and spacing of striproads in practice of mechanizedtimberharvesting in thinning of pinestands]. Acta Sci.Pol. Silv. 20.3.
Przemieniecki, S.W., Zapałowska, A., Skwiercz, A., Damszel M., Telesiński A., Sierota Z., Gorczyca A. 2020. An evaluation of selected chemical, biochemical, and biological parameters of soil enriched with vermicompost. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res.
Bielinis, E., Jaroszewska, A., Łukowski, A., Takayama, N. (2020). The effects of a forest therapy programme on mental hospital patients with affective and psychotic disorders. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(1), 118.
Bielinis E., Xu J., Omelan A.A. (2020) A Novel Anti-Environmental Forest Experience Scale to Predict Preferred Pleasantness Associated with Forest Environments. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 17, 6731.
Bielinis E., Simkin J., Puttonen P., Tyrväinen L. (2020) Effect of Viewing Video Representation of the Urban Environment and Forest Environment on Mood and Level of Procrastination. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 17, 5109.
Bielinis E., Jaroszewska A., Łukowski,A., Takayama N. (2020) The Effects of a Forest Therapy Programme on Mental Hospital Patients with Affective and Psychotic Disorders. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 17, 118.
Janeczko, E., Pniewska, J., Bielinis, E. (2020). Forest Tourism and Recreation Management in the Polish Bieszczady Mountains in the Opinion of Tourist Guides. Sustainability, 12(19), 7967.
Janeczko E., Bielinis E., Wójcik R., Woźnicka M., Kędziora W., Łukowski A., Elsadek M., Szyc K., Janeczko K. (2020) When Urban Environment Is Restorative: The Effect of Walking in Suburbs and Forests on Psychological and Physiological Relaxation of Young Polish Adults. Forests 11, 591.
Bieniek-Kobuszewska, M., Borkowski, J., Panasiewicz, G., Nowakowski, J. J. (2020) Impact of conservation and hunting on big game species: comparison of the genetic diversity of the red deer population groups from a national park and neighboring hunting areas in northern Poland, The European Zoological Journal, 87:1, 603-615, DOI: 10.1080/24750263.2020. 1822936
Dobrowolska, D., Załuski, D., Dąbrowski, W., Banul, R., Borkowski, J. (2020). Factors affecting admixed pedunculate oak growth under heavy browsing by deer: benefits from inter- and intraspecific neighbourhoods. European Journal of Forest Research 139, 155–167.
Damszel, M., Piętka, S., Szczepkowski, A., Sierota, Z. (2020). Macrofungi on Three Nonnative Coniferous species introduced 130 years ago, into Warmia, Poland. Acta Mycologica 55/2: 1-13. DOI: 10.5586/am.55212.
Omelan A. A., Bielinis E., Rutkowski A., Podstawski R. (2020). BODY COMPOSITION IN OLDER PERSONS RESIDING IN RURAL AND URBAN AREAS IN NORTHEASTERN POLAND: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS. Health Problems of Civilization, 14(4), 266-274.
Omelan A.A., Zielińska I., Wziątek B., Bielinis E., Podstawski R. (2020). HEALTH-RELATED BEHAVIORS OF SENIORS IN RURAL VERSUS URBAN AREAS: A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY. Health Problems of Civilization, 14(1), 1-8.
Sierota, Z., Grodzki, W. (2020). Piceaabies-Armillaria-Ips: A Strategy or Coincidence?. Forests 11, 1023. doi:10.3390/f11091023.
Szmidla, H., Małecka, M., Tkaczyk, M, Tarwacki, G., Sierota, Z. (2019) The spring assessing method of threat of Melolontha spp. grubs for Scots pine plantations. Forests 10, 399. DOI: 10.3390/f10050399.
Boiko S., Bielinis E., Sierota Z., Zawadzka A., Nasiadko M., Słupska A., Borkowski J. (2019) Polish pony changes lower layers biodiversity in old growth Scots pine stands. Forests 10, 417. DOI: 10.3390/f10050417.
Szmidla H., Tkaczyk M., Plewa R., Tarwacki G., Sierota Z. (2019) Impact of common mistletoe (Viscum album L.) on Scots pine forests – a call for action. Forests 2019, 10, 847.
Sierota Z., Grodzki W., Szczepkowski A. (2019) Abiotic and biotic disturbances in stand health in Poland over the past 30 years: impacts of climatic conditions and forest management. Forests 10, 75.
Borkowski J., Banul R., Jurkiewicz J., Hołdyński C., Świeczkowska J., Nasiadko M., Załuski D. (2019) High density of keystone herbivore vs. conservation of natural resources: Factors affecting red deer distribution and impact on vegetation in Słowiński National Park, Poland. Forest Ecology and Management 450, 117503.
Fattebert J. Morelle K., Jurkiewicz J., Ukalska J., Borkowski J. (2019) Safety first: seasonal and diel habitat selection patterns by red deer in a contrasted landscape. Journal of Zoology 308(2): 111-120.
Piętka S, Sotnik A., Damszel M., Sierota Z. (2019) Coarse woody debris and wood-colonizing fungi differences between a reserve stand and a managed forest in the Taborz region of Poland. Journal of Forestry Research 2019 30(3): 1081-1091; on line 13 March 2018. doi: 10.1007/s11676-018-0612-y.
Bielinis E., Bielinis L., Krupińska-Szeluga S., Łukowski A., Takayama N. (2019) The effects of a short forest recreation program on physiological and psychological relaxation in young Polish adults. Forests 10 (1): 1-9. DOI: 10.3390/f10010034.
Baeten, L. et al. incl. Chećko, E., (2019) Identifying the tree species compositions that maximize ecosystem functioning in European forests, Journal of Applied Ecology 56(3): 733-744.
Bielinis E., Łukowski A., Omelan A., Boiko S., Takayama N., Grebner D.L. (2019) The Effect of Recreation in a Snow-Covered Forest Environment on the Psychological Wellbeing of Young Adults: Randomized Controlled Study. Forests 10, 827.
Bielinis, E., Kwiatkowski, J., Boiko, S. (2019) Identification of Pinus sylvestris clones with highest and lowest allelopathic potential. Baltic Forestry, 25(1).
Takayama N., Morikawa T., Bielinis E. (2019) Relation between Psychological Restorativeness and Lifestyle, Quality of Life, Resilience, and Stress-Coping in Forest Settings. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 16, 1456.
Węgiel A., Bielinis E., Polowy K. (2019) The stock and content of micronutrients in aboveground biomass of Scots pine stands of different densities. J. Elem., 24(2): 615 - 628. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2018.23.1.1621
Zawadzka A., Bielinis E. (2019) Możliwości wykorzystania terenów leśnych do terapii lasem - czy dzięki drzewom możemy się stać szczęśliwsi i zdrowsi? Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej 21, 1:84-88.
Sierota Z., Żółciak A., Małecka M., Sikora K., Damszel M. (2018) An approach to calculate CO2 release through Norway spruce wood decay by Heterobasidion parviporum. Dendrobiology 79: 91-96.
Kubiak K., Wrzosek M., Przemieniecki S. W., Damszel M., Sierota Z. (2018). Bacteria Inhabiting Wood of Roots and Stumps in Forest and Arable Soils. Endophytes of Forest Trees: Biology and Applications. Forestry Sciences 86: 319-342. URL: http://10.1007/978-3-319-89833-9.
Węgiel A., Małek S., Bielinis E., Grebner D. L., Polowy K., Skonieczna J., (2018) Determination of elements removal in different harvesting scenarios of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 33 (3): 261-270. DOI: 10.1080/02827581.2017.1352019.
Węgiel A., Bielinis E., Polowy K. (2018) Heavy metals accumulation in Scots pine stands of different densities growing on not contaminated forest area (northwestern Poland). Austrian Journal of Forest Science 135 (3): 259-281.
Baeten L., Bruelheide H., Van der Plas F., Kambach S., Ratcliffe S., Chećko E. and others (2018) Identifying the tree species compositions that maximize ecosystem functioning in European forests. Journal of Applied Ecology s. 1-12. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13308.
Misiukiewicz W., Piętka S., Bielinis E. (2018) Impact of the European beaver Castor fiber on deadwood resources in lowland river valley – a case study in Wigry National Park (NE Poland). Polish Journal of Ecology 66 (3): 270-285. DOI: 10.3161/15052249PJE2018.66.3.007.
Robakowski P., Bielinis E., Sendal K. (2018) Light energy partitioning, photosynthetic efficiency and biomass allocation in invasive Prunus serotina and native Quercus petraea in relation to light environment, competition and allelopathy. Journal of Plant Research 131 (3): 505-523. DOI: 10.1007/s10265-018-1009-x.
Węgiel A., Bielinis E., Polowy K..2018. Macronutrient stocks in scots pine stands of different densities. Forests, 593 (9): 1-11. DOI: 10.3390/f9100593.
Szwagrzyk J., Gazda A., Dobrowolska D., Chećko E., Zaremba J., Tomski A. (2018) Natural regeneration following wind disturbance increases the diversity of managed lowland forests in NE Poland. Journal of Vegetation Science 29 (5): 898-906. DOI: 10.1111/jvs.12672.
Verheyen K., Bazany M., Chećko E. and others (2018) Observer and relocation errors matter in resurveys of historical vegetation plots. Journal of Vegetation Science 29 (5): 812-823. DOI: 10.1111/jvs.12673.
Szmidla H., Tkaczyk M., Sierota Z. (2018) Ocena liczebności pędraków Melolonthinae w pułapkach trocinowych w uprawach sosny zwyczajnej (Pinus sylvestris L.). (Assessing the number of Melolonthinae larvae in the sawdust traps in young Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) plantations). Sylwan 162 (7): 590-597.
Bielinis E., Bielinis L., Boiko S., Omelan A. A, Zawadzka A. (2018) Przydatność lasów podmiejskich sąsiadujących z olsztyńskim kampusem “Kortowo” do prowadzenia terapii lasem (The usefuln ess of suburban forests adjacent to the Olsztyn campus “Kortowo” to conduct forest therapies). Kapitał ludzki w terapii zajęciowej a turystyka zdrowotna na wsi i obszarach leśnych / red. nauk. Antoni Roman. Rozdział (fragment) w monografii naukowej.
Bielinis E., Bielinis L., Boiko S., Omelan A. A, Zawadzka A. (2018) Relaksacja psychologiczna w środowisku miejskim i leśnym (Psychological relaxation in the urban and forest environment). Kapitał ludzki w terapii zajęciowej a turystyka zdrowotna na wsi i obszarach leśnych / red. nauk. Antoni Roman. Białystok : Wydawnictwo Niepublicznej Placówki Doskonalenia Nauczycieli “Edukacja, Wychowanie i Bezpieczeństwo” przy Towarzystwie Zapobiegania Tonięciom i Ratowania Tonących w Białymstoku, 2018, s. 390-397.
Bielinis E., Takayama N., Boiko S., Omelan A.A., Bielinis L. (2018) The effect of winter forest bathing on psychological relaxation of young Polish adults. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 29: 276-283.
Banul R., Kosewska A., Borkowski J. (2018) Występowanie zwierząt w pofragmentowanym środowisku leśnym – wpływ czynników w skali wyspy i krajobrazu (Animal occurence in fragmented forest habitats – important factors at the patch and landscape scale). Leśne Prace Badawcze 79 (1): 89-100. DOI: 10.1515/frp-2018-0010.
Bielinis, E., Omelan, A., Boiko, S., Bielinis, L. (2018). The restorative effect of staying in a broad-leaved forest on healthy young adults in winter and spring. Baltic Forestry, 24(2), 218-227.
Ratcliffe S., Chećko E. i in. (2017) Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning relations in European forests depend on environmental context. Ecology Letters 20 (11): 1414-1426. 10.1111/ele.12849
Van der Plas F., Chećko E. i in. (2017) Continental mapping of forest ecosystem functions reveals a high but unrealised potential for forest multifunctionality Ecology Letters 21 (1): 31-42. 10.1111/ele.12868
Szwagrzyk J., Gazda A., Dobrowolska D., Chećko E., Zaremba J., Tomski A. (2017) Tree mortality after wind disturbance differs among tree species more than among habitat types in a lowland forest in northeastern Poland. Forest Ecology and Management 398: 174-184. 10.1016/j.foreco.2017.04.041
Kubiak K., Żółciak A., Damszel M., Lech P., Sierota Z. (2017) Armillaria Pathogenesis under Climate Changes. Forests 8 (4): 1-15. DOI: 10.3390/f8040100.
Apollonio M., Belkin V.V., Borkowski J., Borodin O. and others (2017) Challenges and science-based implications for modern management and conservation of European ungulate populations. Mammal Research 62: 209−217. DOI: 10.1007/s13364-017-0321-5.
Kubiak K., Damszel M., Sikora K., Przemieniecki S.W.,Małecka M., Sierota Z. (2017) Colonization of fungi and bacteria in stumps and roots of scots pine after thinning and treatment with rotstop. Journal of Phytopathology 165 (3): 143-156. DOI: 10.1111/jph.12534.
Robakowski P., Bielinis E. (2017) Needle age dependence of photosynthesis along a light gradient within an Abies alba crown. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 39 (3): 1-12. DOI: 10.1007/s11738-017-2376-y.
Kubiak K., Tkaczyk M., Małecka M., Sierota Z. (2017) Pine sawdust as stimulator of the microbial community in post-arable afforested soil. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 63 (3): 427-441. DOI: 10.1080/03650340.2016.1213816.
Nowakowska J. A., Łukaszewicz J., Borys M., Tereba A., Konecka A., Zawadzka A., Sułkowska M., Zajączkowski P. (2017) Pochodzenie drzewostanów świerkowych (Picea abies L. Karst.) z Puszczy Białowieskiej na tle regionu RDLP Białystok na podstawie analiz mitochondrialnego DNA (Origin of the Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) stands from Białowieża Forest at the level of Białystok Regional Directorate of the State Forests based on mitochondrial DNA analysis). Sylwan 2017, 161 (1): 40-51.
Zawadzka A. (2017) Promocja drewna – zagadnienie, które powinno być poruszane w edukacji leśnej? Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej w Rogowie, 19 (1): 168-175.
Wrzosek M., Ruszkiewicz-Michalska M., Sikora K., Damszel M., Sierota Z. (2017) The plasticity of fungal interactions. Mycological Progress 16 (2): 101-108. DOI: 10.1007/s11557-016-1257-x.
Sierota Z., Ukalska J., Zagożdżon M., Boiko S., Damszel M., Zawadzka A., Bystrowski C. (2017) Variation of bud flushing in Larix decidua clones. Dendrobiology 77: 91-103. DOI: 10.12657/denbio.077.008.
Borkowski J., Dobrowolska D., Dąbrowski W., Banul R., Załuski D. (2017) Young conifer stands form a deer browsing refuge for an oak admixture: silvicultural implications for forest regeneration under herbivore pressure. European Journal of Forest Research 136, 787–800. DOI: 10.1007/s10342-017-1070-3.
Żółciak A., Sikora K., Nowakowska J. A., Małecka M., Borys M., Tereba A., Sierota Z. (2016) Antrodia gossypium, Phlebiopsis gigantea and Heterobasidion parviporum: in vitro growth and Norway spruce wood block decay. Biocontrol Science and Technology 26 (12): 1706-1718. DOI: 10.1080/09583157.2016.1236365.
Sierota Z., Wrzosek M, Małecka M., Żółciak A. (2016) Decay indices for evaluating wood decomposition activity. Biocontrol Science and Technology 26 (2): 163-173.
Kwaśna H., Małecka M., Sierota Z., Jaworski T. (2016) Effects of sawdust amendment on forest soil fungal community and infestation by cockchafers. Dendrobiology 75: 87-97. DOI: 10.12657/denbio.075.009.
Żółciak A., Małecka M., Sikora K., Tarwacki G., Sierota Z. (2016) Fibroporia gossypium in northeastern Poland – a preliminary study. Acta Mycologica 51 (2): 1-7. DOI: 10.5586/am.1082.
Borkowski J., Ukalska J., Jurkiewicz J., Chećko E. (2016) Living on the boundary of a post-disturbance forest area: The negative influence of security cover on red deer home range size. Forest Ecology and Management 381: 247–257.
Damszel M., Przemieniecki S. W., Sierota Z., Kurowski T. P. (2016) Mikroorganizmy zasiedlające korzenie i pniaki sosny zwyczajnej (Pinus sylvestris) po zastosowaniu preparatu ROTSTOP. XV Konferencja : Nowe osiągnięcia w biologicznej ochronie roślin przed chorobami, Bydgoszcz, 20-21 pażdziernika 2016. XV Konferencja : Nowe osiągnięcia w biologicznej ochronie roślin przed chorobami ; Polskie Towarzystwo Fitopatologiczne, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy w Bydgoszczy.
Robakowski P., Bielinis E., Stachowiak J., Mejza I., Bułaj B. (2016) Seasonal changes affect root prunasin concentration in prunus serotina and override species interactions between P. serotina and Quercus petraea. Journal of Chemical Ecology 42 (3): 202-214. DOI: 10.1007/s10886-016-0678-y.
Sierota Z., Damszel M., Borys M., Nowakowska J. A. (2016) The couch grass rhizome with Heterobasidion annosum fruiting bodies in afforested post-agricultural land. Forest Pathology 46 (4): 376-379.
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